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2024-03-04 07:52:34

My research focuses on ice sheets and sea level rise which are often thought to be long-term and distant problems (they're actually not but that's another topic), but this is the kind of disruption that's harder to adapt to in some.ways. What happens to our food supply when Spain runs out of water?
We're (probably) not going to starve, but other people might and we're certainly going to be spending more in food
2024-04-04 01:44:18

NYC Participatory Voting for Improvement Projects
How would you spend $1 million in your neighborhood?
The better question is how would you allocate $1million between city agencies? And the big question is and will not be answered: What happens if we don't vote for fixing potholes on Broadway? Does DOT just do that as part of its regular street milling schedule?

Thank you, Teri @…! (And thank you Chuck @…!) I hadn't read Stephanie Jones' writing until now. She's great. Her writing really gets you, right in your heart.
Here's another blog entry of hers. J…
2024-04-03 07:16:40

How COVID-19 has Impacted the Anti-Vaccine Discourse: A Large-Scale Twitter Study Spanning Pre-COVID and Post-COVID Era
Soham Poddar, Rajdeep Mukherjee, Subhendu Khatuya, Niloy Ganguly, Saptarshi Ghosh
2024-05-01 07:42:29

Good news and bad news for users if #logseq:
They're working on a DB version in parallel that will provide better scalability, performance and realtime #collaboration (#RTC). They'll charge for RTC.…
2024-03-18 14:02:41

Dieses Gericht schmeckt sowohl mit #Schupfnudeln als auch mit #Spätzle sehr gut. Je nachdem, was euch besser schmeckt. Wer es versteht, Spätzle selber zu machen, kann den #Verpackungsmüll

Auf einem Teller ist ein Gericht angerichtet, das aus Schupfnudeln mit Hähnchen und Gemüse besteht. Die Schupfnudeln sind gelblich und scheinen cremig. Das Hähnchen ist in kleine Stücke geschnitten. Hinzu kommen rote Paprikastücke und Frühlingszwiebeln, die das Gericht garnieren. Die Frühlingszwiebeln sind in Ringe geschnitten und setzen frische grüne Akzente. Das Gericht präsentiert sich appetitlich auf einem hellen Teller, der auf einer Tischfläche mit hellem Kachelmuster steht.
2024-03-29 14:56:57

1,5 Milliarden Dollar für die Ukraine von der Weltbank
Die infolge des russischen Angriffskriegs wirtschaftlich angeschlagene Ukraine erhält frisches Geld von der Weltbank. Die Zahlung belaufe sich auf 1,5 Milliarden Dollar, teilte Ministerpräsident Denys Schmyhal mit. Damit könnten unter anderem Sozialausgaben finanziert werden. Die Ukraine ist auf die Finanzhilfe ihrer westlichen Partner angewiesen.
2024-04-18 15:17:14

Baseball has an injury problem with plenty of questions and no real answers
#MLB #Baseball #SBNation
2024-03-28 17:59:34

Secret papers reveal Post Office knew its court defence was false - #BBC
'The Post Office said it would be "inappropriate" to comment.'

Photo: Joan Bailey, whose branch is mentioned in the report, said its contents made her "very angry"
A draft report uncovered by the BBC shows the Post Office spent £100m fighting sub-postmasters in court despite knowing its defence was untrue.

Begin of article:
The document reveals the Post Office was shown evidence by 2017 that losses could be due to errors in the Horizon IT system or remote tampering.

But it kept arguing in the Bates v Post Office Ltd case that theft or mistakes by sub-pos…
2024-03-28 17:59:34

Secret papers reveal Post Office knew its court defence was false - #BBC
'The Post Office said it would be "inappropriate" to comment.'

Photo: Joan Bailey, whose branch is mentioned in the report, said its contents made her "very angry"
A draft report uncovered by the BBC shows the Post Office spent £100m fighting sub-postmasters in court despite knowing its defence was untrue.

Begin of article:
The document reveals the Post Office was shown evidence by 2017 that losses could be due to errors in the Horizon IT system or remote tampering.

But it kept arguing in the Bates v Post Office Ltd case that theft or mistakes by sub-pos…